It's your FAVOURITE upper body exercise: THE OVERHEAD PRESS! Scroll down to learn the PROPER OVERHEAD PRESS FORM and to learn ALL THE MUSCLES in this exercise!
Press that weight into da aiiiirrrrrr!!
1. Start by holding the bar just below your chin, with hands more than shoulder-width apart.
2. *Make sure the bar is in FRONT of your neck, and NOT directly underneath your chin.
3. Feet should be hip-width apart.
4. *As you lift the bar up, after it passes your face, bring the bar backwards slightly so that it goes over your head
5. Straighten your elbows to bring the bar even higher. (This works your deltoids, triceps and pecs muscles)
6. Make sure your back is still "straight" as the bar goes over your head. (Keep that spine aligned!)
7. *To bring the bar back, move the bar forward slightly, and allow it to pass down in front of your face, back down to just below your chin.
*Make sure the bar starts below your chin (in front of your neck!) and be careful when bringing the bar over your head.
*Make sure to keep your back "straight" and stand tall, especially as you bring the bar over your head.
*Be careful not to overextend your elbows!
*You should be feeling this exercise in your shoulders, arms, chest and back.
The Overhead Press activates PLENTY of muscles! Whew! Your target muscles are your DELTOIDS in the shoulders, your TRICEPS in your arms and PECS in your chest. There are also plenty of muscles in your back that get activated.
Let's start with the target muscles. Every time you "press" the weight/bar into the air, every single DELTOID in your shoulder contracts. (Your DELTOIDS are the muscles that create the shape of your shoulder.) Your PECS, or PECTORALIS MAJOR, also activate when you "press" the weight/bar into the air. As you straighten your elbows, your TRICEPS also contract.
There are also plenty of muscles in your back that contract and cause your scapulas, rotator cuff and shoulder girdle to move. Your SERRATUS ANTERIOR, TRAPEZIUS (or "Traps"), LEVATOR SCAPULAE and RHOMBOIDS all cause movements with the shoulder girdle and scapula.
Stay tuned for more variations of the classic Overhead Press exercise! If you still need any help in doing this exercise or would like to learn more about it, contact DANCE CUBE on the Join the Cube page!
Try out a SHOULDER PRESS variation and target the same muscles!